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Meet Our Doctors

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Family Orthodontists in West Palm Beach

We really take the term “family practice” to heart. Our practice was started by Dr. John "Chummer" McCranels and his wife Joann, who is still our office manager, way back in 1967. After practicing alongside his father for many years, “Dr. Scott” has proudly carried on the business. Dr. Scott's sister, Tammy, also continues to also serve as our inventory manager. 

As the practice has grown over the years since, we added Dr. Thebis Alvarez to our Orthodontist team and more recently Dr. Giselle Quinn has joined the practice as our newest associate.


Below, you'll learn a bit about each of our doctors.

Dr. Scott A. McCranels

"Dr. Scott"

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Dr. Scott has been following in his fathers footsteps in surfing and in orthodontics for years. After a professional surfing career traveling the globe, Dr. Scott decided to finish his schooling and became a orthodontist in 1995 and joined the family here in the West Palm Beach. Dr. Scott is proud of his beautiful daughter Camilla and his incredible wife, Bebe. Dr. Scott’s charities of choice in the community are The YMCA of the Palm Beaches and The Surfing Florida Museum managed by the PBC Surfing History Project.


Dr. Scott grew up locally on Singer Island and attended Cardinal Newman H.S. graduating in 1980. He majored in Microbiology at University of Florida and then attended Dental school at Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. After receiving his DMD degree in 1992, Dr. Scott then participated in a one year research fellowship at the University of Florida’s Orthodontic Department. The research studied the relationships of varying orthodontic treatments on Class II malocclusions in Phase I (“early treatment” ) cases. The study was supported by a NIH grant. Subsequently Dr. Scott complete a 2 year Orthodontic Residency at Medical College of Georgia orthodontic program (1993 - 1995) and then returned home to join the family practice with Dr. Chum in the summer of 1995.


Dr. Scott is also a member of the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame and The Florida Skateboard Hall of Fame. In fact, Dr. Scott and Dr. Chum are the only father and son combination that have both been inducted into the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame.

American Board of Orthodontics Certified (ABO), Dr. Thebis Alvarez Franceschi consistently goes above and beyond, ensuring that her patients receive the highest level of care.


Dr. Alvarez was born in Venezuela where she discovered her passion for science while learning from her dad, a physics professor. As a child, Dr. "A" had great love for arts, so she spent her childhood painting portraits with oil on Canvas. Her great interests in arts, science and helping others guided Dr. A to decide orthodontics was the perfect career for her.


Choosing a career that was both fulfilling and challenging was not easy but becoming a Dentist was first on the list. Thus, Back in Venezuela, she completed her first year of dental school. In December of 2007, her and her family moved to United States.

In 2013, Dr. Alvarez Franceschi completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biology at Florida International University (FIU). That same year, she started dental school at Nova Southeastern University (NOVA) where she earned her Master in Dental Medicine. Dr. Alvarez was honored to complete her Orthodontic training at Jacksonville University where she gained invaluable skills in the field.


She continues exceeding as an orthodontist by being a member of the:

  • Board Certified Orthodontist (ABO)

  • American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)

  • Southern Association of Orthodontists

  • American Dental Association

  • Florida Dental Association

When she’s not transforming smiles and changing lives, Dr. Alvarez loves spending quality time with her husband, Luis and her two beautiful daughters.

Dr. Thebis Alvarez Franceschi

"Dr. Alvarez "


Dr. Quinn (Add full name)


Image by Luke Chesser

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Patient Testimonials

John S.

“The staff at McCranels Orthodontics is amazing. They made me feel comfortable and confident throughout my treatment. I am so happy with my new smile!”

Emily T.

“I was hesitant to get braces as an adult, but the team at McCranels Orthodontics made the process easy and stress-free. I love my new smile!”

Mike B.

“My daughter has been a patient at McCranels Orthodontics for years, and we have always been impressed with the level of care she receives. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and we highly recommend them!”

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